- Teacher: Travis Armstrong

Welcome to Blue Earth Area's Moodle Site!
This site allows teachers and students to:- Have access to more class resources
- Experience alternate options for learning
- Allow 24 hours access to work
This is a private, password protected site....to access this site you must be an enrolled student at Blue Earth Area Schools.
This site is provided so we can better serve our students,
parents, staff and community.
Available courses
- Teacher: Admin User
- Obj 1
- Obj 2
Obj 3
- Teacher: Janelle Jacobsen
- Teacher: Roger Schoenfelder
- Teacher: Janelle Jacobsen
- Teacher: Alicia Barke
- Teacher: Janelle Jacobsen
- Teacher: Roger Schoenfelder
- Teacher: Colby Swanson
- Teacher: Travis Armstrong
- Teacher: Roger Schoenfelder
- Teacher: Janelle Jacobsen
- Teacher: Alicia Barke
- Teacher: Sara Albright
- Teacher: Alicia Barke
- Teacher: Travis Armstrong
- Teacher: Sara Albright
- Teacher: Brittany Eckhardt
- Teacher: Roger Schoenfelder
- Teacher: Brittany Eckhardt
- Teacher: Roger Schoenfelder
- Teacher: Brittany Eckhardt
- Teacher: Roger Schoenfelder
- Teacher: Brittany Eckhardt
- Teacher: Roger Schoenfelder
- Teacher: Michelle Ehlers
- Teacher: Colby Swanson
- Teacher: Janelle Jacobsen
- Teacher: Alicia Barke
- Teacher: Randy Kuechenmeister
- Teacher: Tom Plocker
- Teacher: Colby Swanson
- Teacher: Paul Nienaber
- Teacher: Paul Nienaber
- Teacher: Janelle Jacobsen
- Teacher: Colby Swanson
- Teacher: Donna Nawrocki
- Teacher: Laura Becker
- Teacher: Holly Vogltance
This course is designed for students in BPA to access prior tests to use for practice and preparation for competitions.
- Advisor: Holly Vogltance
- Teacher: Holly Vogltance
- Facilitator: Holly Vogltance
- Teacher: Molly Eckhardt
- Teacher: Brian Kokos
- Teacher: Brenda Smith
- Teacher: Carol Weerts
- Teacher: Peter Koenig
- Teacher: Brian Kokos
- Teacher: Becky Anderson
- Teacher: Heather Hernandez
- Teacher: Brian Kokos
MPCC MN Studies
- Teacher: Mark Haase
- Teacher: Colby Swanson
- Teacher: Brian Kokos
- Teacher: Sara Albright
- Teacher: Sara Albright
- Teacher: Sara Albright
- Teacher: Sara Albright
- Teacher: Michelle Ehlers
- Teacher: Carissa Maday
- Teacher: Michelle Ehlers
- Teacher: Jennifer Berkner
This will house all of our work for our BP Wednesday. It will be hard to meet every person's needs with one type of professional development. Please be patient and we will try to make sure everyone gets enough support to grow professionally. If you have questions or concerns you may contact the following (in this order):
1. your building principal
2. P-D Subcommittee
3. Mr. Schneider
- Teacher: Travis Armstrong
This course is designed to be a collaborative study of the book
by Carol Dweck called - " Mindset - The New Psychology of
Success." The goal is to understand what each mindset does
to use personally and professionally and eventually the impact we
have on students and how this mindset manifests itself in our
students. Ultimately, we are seeking to find out, can our
understanding of mindset have an impact on learning? And,
if it can have a positive or negative impact, what can we do
about it?